Saturday, April 14, 2012

Numerology Series | We Heart Numbers Sneak Peek.

The photos above are some of the outtakes from a creative project that has taken me over a month to complete. Numerology, a series of portraiture, explores the personalities of nine creatives and their birth numbers, aiming to visually communicate their sense of self through the lens.

I was so happy to meet new creatives as well as work with old friends for this project; it's been fulfilling in every way. Thank you so much to all the creatives who so willingly participated in this project, no matter how unnerving it may have been for some of you to be in front of the camera; needless to say it would never have come together without your support.

The series will be shown at the We Heart Numbers exhibition, which opens on Friday, May 4th at 6:00pm. I hope you can join me in celebrating the completion of the series as well as enjoying new work from the 13 other ladies in the We Heart Collective. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what they've all come up with, and we are really stoked to have been invited to hold the exhibition at one of Brisbane's best creative hubs, The Rabbit Hole Ideation Cafe.

See you there—if you haven't met me before, please do not hesitate to say hi and ask me questions about the series. I'll be the girl with my face against a huge camera & lens the entire night.

1 comment:

  1. Hej, nice to see your work. I was passing by Hazel Dooney space when I notice you name mntionned so I have look. Interresting work, realist and quite intimate.I will to spend time and then maybe ask question. I found H.Dooney painting very sensual feminine to a funny edge and still to explore further to a real provocation.
    So Now I explire your work. best wishes, charrlote
