In May, my friends Racheal (not a typo!) & James got married by the sea. Despite it already being May, Queensland was determined not to give us autumn, and it was a perfectly warm day for a beach wedding.
Racheal & James met at their best friends' wedding in England, where they promptly fell in love four years ago. After the wedding, Racheal returned to Australia, and James immediately bought a ticket to visit her here. They talked every day for 6 months until his visit, during which they spent Christmas with each other. He went back to England, and they did the long distance thing until Racheal followed, moving to England for 2 years to be with him. James asked Racheal to marry him at the top of the Eiffel Tower (the video of which I've watched at least 6 times, each time no less sweet than the last), and after a lot of “what? Oh my God, what?” from Rach, she said yes. Fast forward 9 long, painful months and plenty of paperwork later, his visa to live in Australia was approved, and here we are today.
James & Racheal are both really goofy, kind and sincere. I knew their wedding was going to be silly and fun and all the things that they are. Racheal has always made me laugh, always wears the truest smile on her face, and even when the unfortunate happens (like both of their cars breaking down in the same week before the wedding), that same smile and positive attitude still hangs around.
To see someone I've been friends with since 2008 on the happiest day of her life, marry the love of her life, and be given the opportunity to capture it? There is no greater joy or honour. I struggled to choose my favourite photos to share in this post. The selection below is extremely conservative; just a tiny grain in all that happened that day (I have decided not to include photos from the reception).
Many thanks to my good friend Jason de Plater for second shooting this wedding with me. I'm so grateful to have had your keen eye, experience and passion for photography by my side on the day. It wouldn't have been the same without you!

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