There wasn't a weekend more suitable to farewell summer and the year's first quarter than our Easter long weekend. The last days of March epitomised the chaotic month that was; March brought with it birthday after birthday, event after event, and the standard ins and outs of the every day.
But it was far from an ordinary weekend, because for the first time in 13 years, I was reunited with my childhood best friend Adeile, who I grew up with during my days in Auckland, New Zealand. From our parents growing up in the same province in the Philippines, to them moving to Auckland and us following three years later, to them moving yet again to Sydney and us to Brisbane, it felt like our paths were almost always destined to cross. After she moved to Maryland, United States in February 2002, I knew it would be a long time (if ever) before we saw each other again.
For our paths to have crossed over and over again since we were young is amazing in itself—but even more so, the fact that even after so much time has passed and despite there being little communication between us over the years, we are just as we were then.
We showed her and Andrea (her best friend from primary school in Sydney), as much of our beautiful South-East Queensland as we could, with a day trip to Moreton Island and an early morning breakfast at the Gold Coast. We soaked up summer in all its sunshine and storms and left little time for rest: we hurried to make up for lost time, catching up on everything, getting to know each other's lives in the past decade.
Crammed between all this, 5:30am starts, a day out with my mother and the usual Easter celebrations was also my reunion with Alanna, after she spent half a year in Europe. I couldn't have spent summer's a better way: in the presence of friends who were as much family to me as my own, surrounded by sea, sun and sand, reminding me that there are always happy days ahead.
*P.S: Apologies for some of the shaky parts in the video. It's hard to film handheld on a windy day!

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